9 Things To Do If You Want A Better Life

Do you REALLY want a better life? The luxuries all look and sound so wonderful but there are steps (sacrifices) to get there.

Now, you may not have to do everything on this list in order to reach your definition of life goals.

If you are serious about your health, happiness, and harmony, it’s time to look at what needs to be done.

No more wishing, hoping, or dreaming.

Only doing from this day forward.

You got this!

On Your Side,

Aura Bea Carter

6 Signs You Will Not Be Defeated

For years social media has made winning look easy. Rarely do you get the behind the scenes look at how your favorite influencers really made it.

As the economy has taken a downturn many are seeing that it’s not as simple as making a post and people automatically paying for your product(s).

What’s not talked about is the many who often feel defeated, or those are jealous of others when they get online.

Life is a puzzle and the most important piece is your mindset. Master that and it’s smooth sailing from here.

9 Skills You Need To Attract Success

How do you want to be perceived by your peers or future clients? Is this even a question that you have asked yourself?

If your financial status is not where you would like for it to be it may be time to look at why you aren’t attracting success.

It’s so easy to scroll on social media and judge people who you know personally, strangers you added to your friends list and celebrities who make their lives public. But it’s not as easy to do a self assessment.

When you are able to analyze yourself, your habits and behaviors, that’s when the real change occurs.

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The Mindset You Need To Be Successful At Working From Home

A simple change in how you think about remote work can make your days instantly more productive and pleasant.

What does it take to make remote work successful? For both employees and entrepreneurs, a good tech setup and relatively distraction-free space is certainly essential. So are techniques to keep endless Zoom calls from destroying your productivity (and sanity). A modern approach to management that focuses on what people produce rather exactly how and when they produce it helps too.

But even with these basics in place, some people thrive in remote work while others struggle. Why is that? The nature of a team’s work clearly has something to do with it (experts say innovation is tougher at a distance), as does individual personality and seniority (young people benefit from the passive education of being around colleagues).

But, according to a fascinating new study out of the University of Cambridge recently published in Human-Computer Interaction, there’s another hidden factor that’s essential for remote work success — the right mindset.

The research team started from the same places that many bosses find themselves in today. There are about a million studies and surveys about remote work, and they often contradict each other on the benefits and drawbacks of remote setups. Which of these studies should business leaders believe?

The answer, according to this new research, is maybe all of them. Rather than finding that remote work is always good or always bad, the team discovered that mindset mattersmassively when it comes to remote work success. Those with the right mindset thrive in remote setups, and those without it don’t.

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Believe That It Is Possible To Achieve Greatness And You Will

What is it that you truly desire in life? Is it better health? Do you want to find the love of your life? Are you seeking to wake up and to be living your dream? Whatever it is, it can happen for you. How do I know this to be true? Because we live in a Universe filled with abundance.

Everything that you want someone else has attained it making it to where it is not an illusion. People from every walk of life has reached their dreams. You can too if you align yourself to win. I recently wrote an article on how the answers to getting rich is in plain sight but most don’t want to open their eyes.

Being great starts with understanding that you are your own person with unique personal experiences. No two people’s road to success is the same, but they both can reach the same desirable destination through self examination. By looking at your current situation financially, then looking at the habits you have, you can get a clearer idea of why you feel stuck.

So many people read article after article hoping that things will “just click” and life will miraculously change. But this is a false faith. You are reading someone else’s life story about their product being picked up by a major brand, them making a stock investment that tripled, or how they turned their stimulus into a million dollar business. But you aren’t doing anything of these things. And you knew from the headline you weren’t going to relate to the story but you kept reading thinking, “Maybe I could be the next one.”

People often read success stories without acknowledging their personal success. Once you recognize your already existing worth you will stop looking for others to give you the one answer that you believe is going to fix everything.

Look within and you will manifest everything that you need and want.


K. Crystal Carter

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